Hepatitis is a word not a complete sentence

As per Ayurveda  the liver is called yakrut or yakruta or yakrit. The word yakrut is the combination of Sanskrit words  “ya” and “krut.” Ya denotes activity and krut denotes several meanings such as “to breakdown”.

Liver is considered as the largest organ of the body engaged in the activity of breaking down. Yakrut is also used known for “restoration” because it helps bring back damaged body tissues to a normal physiological state.

In Ayurveda, the role of liver is explained in relation to pathogens (dosha), tissues (dhatu) and its development, muscle (mamsa), heart (hridroga), blood (rakta), respiration (pranavaha srotas), and excretion (mala). The liver may be affected in the diseases involving these systems.

In modern medicine, through its involvement in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, the liver is known to play a central role in maintaining metabolic homeostasis.

It converts sugar into glycogen, carbohydrates and proteins into fats, toxic ammonia into nontoxic urea, etc. It produces bile, blood coagulating and anti-coagulating factors, proteins, and enzymes. It stores critical trace elements and vitamins and is responsible for detoxification and elimination of various toxins, carcinogens, nitrogen-containing waste products, and alcohol.

The symptoms include increased serum bilirubin (pittavriddhi), decreased hepatic uptake (yakruta dhatwagni manya), decreased hepatic conjugation (saman vikruti), hepatocellular damage (yakruta shotha), biliary stasis (sang), steostasis (medomay, yakrut medoj siragranthi), and cirrhosis (yakrutshosh).

According to Ayurveda, hepatitis is a disease of the circulatory system and is categorized under biliary (pitta) diseases; ranjaka pitta is the type of biliary fluid. The liver secretes Pachaka pitta (more than 500 cc in a day) and is stored in the gall bladder (pittashaya). The stored bile gets reabsorbed and leaves a fraction of original bile (tyakta drava pitta). The concentration of original bile in the circulation is critical and any derangement leads to diseases arising out of weak digestive and metabolic activity (agni vaishamya). The more dilution of bile in the gall bladder results predominantly in symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and fever. When the concentration is too high, it leads to symptoms like burning sensations, thirst, profuse sweating, giddiness etc.

There are two main classifications of Hepatitis as per Ayurveda:

Kostashakhasrita kamala, paratantra kamala, or bahupittaja kamala can be considered as hemolytic jaundice and shakhasrita kamala can be considered as obstructive jaundice

Hepatitis could also be intrahepatic (swatantra) or extra hepatic jaundice (paratantra). The other minor types of hepatitis are chronic hepatic failure (kumba kamala), fulminant hepatic failure (halimaka), and hepatorenal syndrome (panaki).

Hemolytic hepatitis is generally associated with anemia. Destruction of red blood cells and hemoglobin (increased malaroopa ranjaka pitta), due to the diet and lifestyle that increase pitta (pittavardhaka ahara and vihara), leads to enhanced bilirubin formation.

The obstructive hepatitis is due to the obstruction in the biliary flow. Water (kapha) or fluid accumulation obstructing the passage channels of biliary system results in this manifestation. The stools will be clay colored (tilapista nibha) until bile comes to the intestine (kosta).

  • How Hepatitis transmitted:

    Hepatitis A:  HAV transmitted through consuming food or water contaminated by feces from a person infected with hepatitis A.

    Hepatitis B:  HBV transmitted through contact with infectious body fluids, such as blood, vaginal secretions, or semen, containing the hepatitis B virus.Injection drug use, having sex with an infected partner, or sharing razors with an infected person increase your risk of getting hepatitis B.

    Hepatitis C:   HCV is transmitted through direct contact with infected body fluids, typically through injection drug use and sexual contact. HCV is among the most common blood borne viral infections in the United States

    Hepatitis D:  HDV is contracted through direct contact with infected blood. Hepatitis D is a rare form of hepatitis that only occurs in conjunction with hepatitis B infection.

    Hepatitis E: HEV is mainly found in areas with poor sanitation and typically results from ingesting fecal matter that contaminates the water supply.

Diagnostic Tests for Liver Disorders

Types of Hepatitis Virus

Test Name Biochemical Analysis
Alkaline amino transferase (up to 35 IU/l) Elevation indicates degree of inflammation and possible causes for the disease
Alkaline phosphatase (53–128 IU/l)

Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (G-50 IU/l)

Elevation suggestive of obstructive liver diseases and liver cancer ,GT is an indicator of alcohol usage
Total bilirubin (0.2–1.0 mg/dl),Direct bilirubin (0–0.2 mg/dl) Elevation indicates diseases of the liver and bile ducts
Albumin (3.5–5.0 g/dl) Decreased level suggests chronic liver disease and liver cancer, particularly worse cases, though a decrease is also noticed in generalized protein deficiency conditions (e.g., kwashiokar and marasmus)
Alpha feto protein (up to 10 ng/ml) Specifically rises to 500 ng/ml during hepatic carcinoma
Abnormal clotting studies Suggestive of worsening chronic liver disease
  • Ayurvedic Treatment of Hepatitis: 

    Blockage of biliary tract during hepatitis will be taken care with the purgatives herbs and formulations. Supplementary treatment includes the administration of a daily dose of purgatives, cholagogue drugs like Katuki, and medicated Ghrita.

    Aetiopathogenesis strikes at the root of the disease process by destroying and neutralizing the inflammation, removing the obstruction, and bringing the pathogens to the intestine.

    Pancha gavyam ghritam ,Katuka  ,Bhumi amla swarasa are one of the prescribed ingredient in treating viral hepatitis. And in fact sometimes nasal infiltration (Nasya karma) with the help of Katu tumbi and Jyotishmati.

Himalayan Heal perspective towards Liver disorders and Hepatitis

  • Clean the path
  • Rejuvenate the local mechanism
  • Minimize the effect of the virus
  • Remove Obstruction among minute channels.
  • Provide a good life to RBCs and defense mechanism of the body
  • Clearing biliary tract blockage by laxatives is the basic line of its treatment.
  • The vitiated pathogens removed with the curative therapy and live regenerative protocol will be followed as essential management.

There are some “interesting” combinations that are frequently found in liver formulas such as bhasmas but the prominent materials are derived from roots, barks, leaves, flowers, and fruits.  Ayurveda believes in balancing all the three dosha in the equilibrium state, so we do. However, no individual herb alone is considered useful for promoting liver disorders. Rather, a combination of herbs is used in with the purpose of correcting a functional or organic problem that caused liver disorders.

  References: Mali, M.D. and Kulkarni, P.H., Clinical interpretation of LFT with Ayurvedic point of view, in Ayurved and Hepatic Disorders, Kulkarni, P. H., Ed., Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 2001.Nanal, V., Liver disorders and their Ayurvedic management, in Ayurveda and Hepatic Disorders, Kulkarni, P.H., Ed., Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 2001 .

Video Testimonial of Hepatitis B

Mr. Shiv Lal diagnosed with Hep B and was on Himalayan heal medication, After 2 months of medication he is expressing his valuable views over the medication and experience with Himalayan heal.