Apasmara (epilepsy) is a disease characterized by episodes of convulsions followed by a transient period of unconsciousness and momentary loss of memory. Traditionally in the treatment, Apasmara ancient literature reveals that on has many references about formulations that can successfully manage.

Causes of Epilepsy (Seizures)

Apasmara (Epilepsy) described in most Ayurvedic treatises can be classified into three categories Dietetic factors, behavioral factors, and miscellaneous factors. Vitiation of the doshas, particularly Vata dosha. Since Vata dosha controls the functioning of the other doshas, vitiation in Vata dosha leads to disturbance of the delicate balance that exists between the doshas. This, in turn, leads to the disturbance in the functioning of the mind. The process resembles blocking of conduction of sensory as well as motor impulses from sense organs to mind and back. This results in convulsions and loss of memory for varied durations. Over a period of time, damage to brain cells is caused.

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Treatment of Epilepsy in Ayurveda

The approach that Ayurveda has in treating Apasmara is unique. The first step involved is Shodhana or the cleansing of the body using procedures like Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Basti (enemas), shirovirechana (Nasal medications) followed by Shirodhara. This helps in eradicating the vitiated doshas from the body. These processes also make the body more receptive to the treatments that follow. Following Shodhana, various medications are administered through the oral and other routes for Shamana.

The basic fundamentals used as per Ayurveda are:

Swarasa (Expressed juice),Kalka (Paste),Kwatha (Decoction),Hima (Cold Infusion),Phanta (Hot Infection)

The various Swarasas mentioned in the classical texts of Ayurveda that are effective in the treatment of Apasmara are: Rasona  Swarasa, Shatavari Kanda Swarasa,Brahmi Swarasa etc. 

The medicated Ghrita (Ghee) is considered to be the most effective treatment in Apasmara. This is because ghee can cross the blood-brain barrier better than most other forms of medications. The various Ghrita`s mentioned in classics are: Purana Ghrita, Panchagavya Ghrita, Mahapanchagavya Ghrita, Brahmi Ghrita, Mahakalyanaka Ghrita, Mahachaetess Ghrita, Vachadi Ghrita, Amalakyadi Ghrita, Kushmanda Ghrita etc.

Various medicated Tailas (Oils) are also listed in the treatment of Apasmara are: Chandanadi Taila, Bala Taila, Triphaladi Taila, Palankashadi Taila, Katambharadi Taila, Vastramutradi taila etc.  

Rasaushadi used in effective management of Apasmara are: Chaturmukha Rasa, Anandbhairava Rasa, Maha Mritunjaya Rasa, Trailokya Chintamani Rasa, Unmada Gaja Keasari Rasa, Vata Kulantaka Rasa, Yogendra Rasa, Chanda Bhairava Rasa, Bhoota Bhairava Rasa etc.

Various Bhasma`s that are effective in controlling the disease are: Swarna Bhasma,Rajata Bhasma, Haratala Bhasma, Pravala Pishti, Mukta Pishti, Swarna Makshika Bhasma etc.

Ayurvedic Perspective of Epilepsy by Dr Vikas Saroch (BAMS, MD) Award winning Physician

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Most common combination used

Ayurvedic treatment for Epilepsy include Guggulu Kalpanas like Saptavimsatika Guggulu , Maha Yogaraja Guggulu  have also been mentioned.Vatis like Manasmitra Vatika, Vartis like Kayasthadi Varti, Mustadya Varti has also been mentioned.Alcohol-based preparations like Ashwagandhadyaristha, Kumaryasava, Saraswataristha have good therapeutic efficacy and also Pravala Pishti, Mukta Pishti, Swarna Makshika Bhasma etc are the choice of combination.

Himalayan Heal Approach towards treating Epilepsy

Himalayan Heal believes in the individualized approach and provides best ayurvedic medicines for epilepsy. The major complains are the repeated seizures which remains from few seconds to hours and can be minimized with the help of customized ayurvedic medicine for seizures.https://himalayanheal.com/treat-epilepsy/

Himalayan Heal provides epilepsy (seizures) treatment in India as well as abroad with its cost effective and result oriented approach. As per our previous experiences permanent cure for epilepsy (apasmara) in Ayurveda is only possible with proper aahar (Food habits),vihar (Healthy lifestyle) and Aushadhi (proper medicines).https://himalayanheal.com/2019/11/20/apasmara/

    Free Online Consultaion


    Very much appreciated , one of the most dedicated Ayurvedic physician.Myself Rohit Sexana from Delhi ,I approached Himalyanheal through one of my colleague. We visited Himalayanheal Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical company at Himachal Pradesh regarding epilepsy treatment of my son and meet Dr Vikas and Dr Neetika.Its about last 9 months he never came across any single episode of epileptic attack.
    With his own Ayurvedic formulation and diet recommendation changed the life of my son. With folded hands I am so much thankful to the entire team(and even Mr Aman).Thanks a lot.

    Rohit Sexana

    Hi,I am Shreedhar M from Telangana,my sister was suffering from Brain Tumor along with epileptic seizures. While going through few scientific work on Epilepsy i found Dr Vikas work on this,than i searched and came to know about Himalayan Heal .After going through all the details he prescribed few medication to control the size of tumor as well as epileptic seizures.After that her epileptic seizures duration decreases and now these are just for fraction of seconds and also the size of tumor reduced to few mm”s.God bless all the Team.

    Shreedhar M


    What is the main cause of epilepsy?

    • Epilepsy occurs mainly due to abnormal activity in the brain. Physical injury to the brain, infection, inflammation to the brain will lead to seizures and epilepsy disorder. Low oxygen content during birth is also the main cause of epilepsy. Brain tumours, injury in head and any event which is faulty during brain development can surely be a cause of epilepsy.

    Can epilepsy be cured?

    • Basically there is no cause for epilepsy. But if you start taking treatment at an early stage, then this would make a big difference. It can cause sudden unexplained death also. For some people, seizures go away by itself. Epilepsy is a lifelong disorder, but some people with this disorder are able to live normally. We at Himalayan heal successfully treating epilepsy with ayurvedic medication as well as Panchakarma.

    What are the warning signs of epilepsy?

    • Unusual feelings, taste, smell, odd feelings that are indescribable are the early signs of epilepsy. Feeling confused, your body feels different than others, unusual sensations in the body, uncontrollable jerking movement of some body parts, physical symptoms like anxiety, fear, stress all are warning signs of epilepsy.

    What’s the difference between epilepsy and seizure?

    • Seizure mainly occurred only once. Whereas, epilepsy is a kind of neurological disorder which starts from the brain and it is characterized by 2-3 or more seizures. Basically, all seizures are not epilepsy. Seizures can be a symptom of disruption in the brain activity and its function like injury in head, fever, lack of oxygen in the brain etc.  

    What are the 3 types of seizures?

    • Three types of seizures are; Generalized onset seizures, Focal onset seizures, unknown onset seizures. These three are the major groups of seizures. Among these three, focal onset and generalized known seizures are the most common type. Focal onset kind of seizures start in one area and it can spread across the brain whereas generalized known seizures spread in two halves of the brain at the same time.

    How long do epilepsy patients live?

    • Many patients having epilepsy can live a long life. People having seizures without any known cause die about 2 years earlier than their actual death. But people having epilepsy problems with a known cause die near about 10 years earlier as expected.  Epilepsy can be a cause of shortening of life but most of the time it does not.

    Can you suddenly get epilepsy?

    • Epilepsy can start at any time, anywhere and at any age but mostly it starts at childhood at younger age or above 60 years of age. Epilepsy is a lifelong disorder. Any activity or incident that interferes with the normal connections of nerve cells and in the brain can cause a seizure. This includes injury in the head, high fever, brain tumour etc.

    Can epilepsy be cured by Ayurveda?

    • Yes. all kinds of epilepsy and seizures can be treated with ayurveda. For this, you only have to maintain a healthy diet, better lifestyle. Ayurvedic treatment from our MD Ayurveda experts helps in strengthening the brain. It restores proper functioning of the nerve cells within the brain. Ayurvedic cure for epilepsy helps the person to lead a healthy life atleast to a greater extent. 

    Is Ashwagandha good for epilepsy?

    • As we all know, ashwagandha has sedative effects. Ashwagandha helps in getting relief from anxiety, stress and tension related issues. It may also help with epilepsy and seizures. Ashwagandha reduces stress, anxiety related issues in epileptic patients but taking ashwagandha does not completely cure epilepsy and seizure. 

    Can epilepsy be cured permanently?

    • Well, there’s no complete cure for epilepsy in western treatment but medications are there which can reduce the effects of seizure and control them as much as they can. Uncontrolled seizures lead to brain damage. Epilepsy is basically a lifelong disorder. But many people are able to live a normal life if seizures are in a normal state. Here in Himalayan Heal most of the patients get relief from the first month onwards.

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    What foods should epileptics avoid?

    • Epileptics should avoid eating white bread, biscuits, cakes-brownies, chips, dates, sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages, and processed foods. Avoid eating butter, ghee, coffee, tea, packed juices, foods having high trans fats when you have epilepsy.

    Is milk good for epilepsy?

    • Cow’s milk has a protein basically which induces epilepsy. Milk contains potassium and magnesium which acts as a vasodilator. Milk calms the nerves inside the brain and helps in getting good sleep. But several studies show that milk protein allergy in many people triggers the effects of seizures and hence increases epilepsy problem. 

    Is Ginger good for seizures?

    • Ginger has anticonvulsant properties. Ginger increases seizure threshold for each endpoint. The present study shows that you should introduce ginger in the treatment of epilepsy and seizures as a new potential.

    Can coconut oil stop seizures?

    • Coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides within them which can increase blood ketone concentrations in the body which is helpful in reducing the seizure frequency in an epileptic person. Supply your brain some extra fuel and then it will definitely run better. MCT in coconut oil acts as a fuel for the brain.

    What is the natural cure for convulsion?

    • Many researchers have identified various cures for neurological disorders like epilepsy, convulsion and seizures etc. Many natural herbs and spices are able to manage such disorders. Some plants are; cloves, cowhage, turmeric, thyme, cannabis sativa etc. These herbs are very essential for treating convulsion naturally.

    Is papaya good for epilepsy?

    • A recent study shows that ethanolic extract of carica papaya is without any kind of lethal dose. Also it has no lethal effect on an epileptic patient. It imparts anticonvulsant properties against epilepsy and seizures also. Other fruits like kiwi, baked potato, are somewhere good for seizures. Papaya gives VitaminA and C thus helping the epileptic patients in fighting stress related issues.

    Can epilepsy be cured by yoga?

    • Certain forms and postures of yoga along with proper routine will definitely help in reducing seizures in patients which are suffering from epilepsy. Yoga is basically more beneficial for patients having refractory epilepsy. Such patients get more than 2 seizures every month. Thus in this way yoga is very helpful in treating epilepsy.

    Is epilepsy a disability?

    • Epilepsy is basically a neurological disorder which occurs in the brain. It is a chronic, lifelong, and a kind of non-communicable disease that can affect people of all ages. Around 50 million people in the world are suffering from this disorder. Epilepsy is not a disability because we are able to control as well as cure epilepsy with medications.  Moreover, it is not a disabling illness.

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    Does epilepsy go away with age?

    • Epilepsy is basically a lifelong disease for many adults. But many people and children are able to outgrow from seizures at a very early age with the help of some medications, as well as from doing some yoga, medication practices etc. Also for some people seizures usually go away by itself.

    Which exercise is best for epilepsy?

    • A study shows that regular practice of aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, running etc. for nearly 1 hour twice a week will definitely give you positive outcomes. Such a session can be done for about 15 weeks and will reduce the seizure to a greater extent. Physical exercises also trigger epilepsy problems. So it is also advised to take necessary precautions while doing exercise. 

    Can epilepsy be cured by meditation?

    • Meditation basically proves very helpful in managing all kinds of stress, anxiety issues. It is very beneficial for people who are suffering from depression also. People with epilepsy should learn stress management techniques and learn how to control your emotional state and meditation proves definitely successful in doing all this. 

    Does Panchkarma help in Epilepsy?

    • Panchkarma is one of the essential step for body detox. Himalayan Heal Chronic care and Immunity (Panchkarma) center located at Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) is providing all the detox treatment by following Authentic Keralian Ayurvedic protocol for such kind of ailments.Commonly Shirodhara,Shirobasti, Nasya followed by Sarvanga Snehana and swedana are being advised. Along with indoor facility of body detox a strict diet plan also recommended during line of treatment.

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